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About This Project


The housing market has been defined by inequality since its conception. From redlining to stringent zoning requirements, people of color and socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals have faced countless obstacles while trying to find a place to live. Owning a home is an essential aspect of accumulated wealth. But as rent and home prices become increasingly unattainable, fewer people are able to own a home, more people are becoming rent burdened and communities are becoming less diverse. 


To combat these issues, cities are instituting initiatives to help potential home owners and developers. Yet, this information is far from ubiquitous, often hidden in municipal sites that bury this information under notifications of community events and announcements. Thus, we have the Housing Equity Handbook, a centralized source of housing information for anyone delving into the sphere. Through the initiatives and discourse enumerated on this site, we hope to make affordable housing help more available, and eventually increase its impact on the community.

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